So, since this is happening, I can't use those symbols ("ºª\"), of which I miss the backslash the most. Instead of the key being "ºª\", which is the key at the left of "1" in the Spanish keyboard, it behaves as a "≤" key. That works fine, mostly, with one exception: The key at the left of the top "1" key (with the printed characters "`~") doesn't behave the same as the key in the same position in a Spanish keyboard, even after configuring the "Español - ISO" layout. I have configured the keyboard to behave as if it were an Spanish one, by going to Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources and adding the "Español - ISO" layout. The layout of my keyboard looks exactly like this: I have a Macbook Air with the typical US keyboard layout printed in the keys, but I want to use the keyboard as if it were a Spanish keyboard because I'm accustomed to that layout and since I don't look at the keys while typing I don't mind the layout not matching the characters actually printed in the keys.